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* that's the way life is

>>>Monday, July 18, 2005

come outside and see
a brand new day
the troubles in your mind
will blow away
it's easy to believe
they're here to stay
but you won't find them
standing in your way

se a vida é I love you
come outside and feel the morning sun
se a vida é I love you
life is much more simple when you're young
come on, essa vida é
that's the way life is
that's the way life is

although we see the world
through different eyes
we share the same idea
of paradise
so don't search in the stars
for signs of love
look around your life
you'll find enough

se a vida é I love you
come outside and feel the morning sun
se a vida é I love you
life is much more simple when you're young
come on, essa vida é
that's the way life is
that's the way life is

why do you want to sit alone
in gothic gloom
surrounded by the ghosts of love
that haunt your room?
Somewhere there's a different door
to open wide
you gotta throw those skeletons out of your closet
and come outside

so you will see
a brand new day
the troubles in your mind
will blow away
it's easy to believe
they're here to stay
but you won't find them
standing in your way

se a vida é I love you
come outside and feel the morning sun
se a vida é I love you
life is much more simple when you're young
come on, essa vida é
that's the way life is
that's the way life is

(Pet Shop Boys/Se a vida é)


:: posted by my lock, 11:57 AM