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* 我最好的言語

>>>Wednesday, July 20, 2005

activity's killing the actor
and a cop's standing out in the road turning traffic away
there wass nothing she could do until after
when his body'd been buried below
way back in the day
oh my, nothing else could've been done
he made his life a lie so he might never have to know anyone
made his life the lie you know
i told him he shouldn't upset her
and that he'd only be making it worse involving somebody else
but I knew that he'd never forget her
while her memory worked in reverse to keep her safe from herself
and oh my, nothing else could've been done
she made her life a lie so she might never have to know anyone
made her life the lie you know
what I used to be will pass away and then you'll see
that all I want now is happiness for you and me
what I used to be will pass away and then you'll see
that all I want now is happiness for you and me
what I used to be will pass away and then you'll see
that all I want now is happiness for you and me

"happiness" - elliott smith

好喜歡 Elliott Smith,但他死了,獨遺下傷感的歌聲。嗯,他是自殺死的。

(與之牽繫/綠色的草紙本來有一二三枚郵票被舔在右上角/包裹說不出的詩情/錯落的「地步」/同學通訊錄印不下/我寫不上/你的字跡,好美,好灑脫/不如人/無法完成/未溶化/你是千堆雪/我是長街/註定流入海/與接吻魚/我有一隻未看的《海底奇兵》DVD/我只能選擇看電視/喜歡十三號/他會說法語我愛你/je' taime/(有錯嗎?我有錯嗎?)/你呢。)

:: posted by my lock, 11:10 PM