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* out of time

>>>Thursday, May 08, 2003

where's the love song to set us free
too many people down
everything turning the wrong way round

and i don't know what life should be
if we stop dreaming now
lord knows we'd never clear the clouds.

and you've been so busy lately
that you haven't found the time
to open up your mind
and watch the world spinning gently out of time.

feel the sunshine on your face
its in a computer now
gone to the future way out in space.

and you've been so busy lately
that you haven't found the time
to open up your mind
and watch the world spinning gently out of time.

and you've been so busy lately
that you haven't found the time
to open up your mind
and watch the world spinning gently out of time.

tell me i'm not dreamin'
but are we out of time
we're out of time
out of time...

Out Of Time/Blur

:: posted by my lock, 6:29 AM