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* sonnet.Can you hear this beauty in life?

>>>Monday, May 19, 2003


下午五時五十分,她說,我們已經停止收症。我很憤怒,簡直像天昏地暗一般。絕望了,我的工作。錢錢錢錢錢,grant loan,何其重要?我無理取鬧﹕你們明明收六點。她說,要問一問醫生,結果,女醫生不打算看我。我沒有看那個轉告的女護士,正眼也沒有,我在那裡盤算應該怎樣做。我很激動,我很憤怒,我不肯離開,我一個人不作聲般發火,坐在那兒一動也不動。她們好像很害怕。我知道,女護士不知道應該怎樣應付。幼稚的我,不禁想,我就不走,我看看你們怎樣關門。當時我很憤怒,我不介意發癲,甚至賴死不走,你報警啦,我就話你唔肯俾我睇醫生。鬧一場天大的笑話,不過發洩。終於,女醫生看完最後一個病人出來時,看到我仍然很憤怒且充滿怨恨的死盯著她,她說,睇埋你啦。是這樣,我才舒一口氣。那時候,五時五十六分。(我想,我一定好惡好惡好惡。)探熱,有燒,38 度。終於,得到一張醫生紙。






她也有她的煩惱,但她已經聰明若此,實在不用我幫忙了。每次,其實都是我向她報憂不報喜(無喜嘛~)。而我又忍不住眩耀,哈哈,非典型的淪陷,對我來說,卻帶來非典型的快樂。四月,真係好好好開心。但是,如今的她叫阿 may 了。日子。……住啦佩,我又多個地方落腳,幾好。至於,感情事,你從來都知道隨遇而安的重要,你又點會好似我咁蠢丫。而如果我猜對,你真的不要說我聰明,我會驕傲的……anyway, add oil ar ﹗

我好喜歡一個人。是我的,便是我的。相反,亦然。全人類,大把女人好過我,但我不害怕。因為,我相信,天下無雙。他說得對,你知道那麼多有甚麼用?像他,從來沒有想過會是她,結果卻是她。(朋友,祝你們的一週年快樂。是我,衷心的。個雪櫃送左黎未呢?送盒 dreyer's 俾你地又有乜所謂?)像我,從來沒有想過可以是你,未知你的結果,然而,我的答案,卻告訴我,是了是了。就在,沒有預期的時候。一切,一點一滴,不知不覺。




p.s. 聽著 the Verve 的 "Sonnet",好好聽呀。
y cant u see that nature has its way of warning me.
eyes open wide. lookin' at the heavens w/ a tear in my eye.
yes theres luv if u want it.
dun sound like no sonnet my lord.
yes theres luv if u want it.
dun sound like no sonnet my lord.
sinkin' faster than a boat without a hull my lord.
dreamin' abt da day when I can see u there.
my side. by my side.
here we go again n my head is gone my lord.
i stop to say hello.
cos i think u should know by now.

one day maybe we will dance again
under fiery skies
one day maybe you will love again
love that never dies
one day maybe you will see the land
touch skin with sand
you've been swimming in the lonely sea
with no company

oh, don't you want to find?
can't you hear this beauty in life?
the roads, the highs, breaking up your life
can't you hear this beauty in life?

one day maybe you will cry again
just like a child
you've gotta tie yourself to the mast my friend
and the storm will end

oh, don't you want to find?
can't you hear this beauty in life?
the times, the highs, breaking up your mind
can't you hear this beauty in life?

oh, you're too afraid to touch
too afraid you'll like it too much
the roads, the times, breaking up your mind
can't you hear this beauty in life?

one day maybe I will dance again
one day maybe I will love again
one day maybe we will dance again

you know you've gotta
tie yourself to the mast my friend
and the storm will end

one day maybe you will love again
you've gotta tie yourself to the mast my friend
and the storm will end ...

送多你一首歌,the Verve 的 "One Day"。

Man, can't u hear this beauty in life?

:: posted by my lock, 7:25 AM