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« Home | love mission!!! » | a poor begger... » | reading. » | 同桌的你 » | feeling very dull... wat da tempo should be? » | faye. fei. fly? » | life is like a box of chocolate... » | nothing too slow. » | dear pui, loli, elia and tu... » | eureka!!! so is here... »

* big bang

>>>Friday, June 20, 2003

experiencing the hardest moment in my life. but it's also the first time to taste what real life is.

suffered from what ive done when i didn't think of the consequence.

thank you.

im not scared anymore.

reading "freedom and destiny" as well as "love and will" by Rollo May. i think im trying to grasp the idea of existence.


surely you are incorrect. i think it's very funny of you to get the idea that i would cause you any troubles.

is it reasonable that you turn away from me? im not your foe all the time. but your suspicious attitude disappoints me.

frankly, who cares?

i wont fulfill their expectation just because

bought the book what i long for all the time. it's the photographic journal of happy together by Christopher Doyle.

reading a bk in the store that about diff. successful or at least self-sufficient women. their stories are really encouraging. someone has already known the rule. some do not. some have got the achievement but i am just learning. then is it a shame for me though i made mistakes?

i still treasure what God gave me. i know what i have. i know what i miss. attitudes can be changed. gifts cannot be exchanged. families cannot be chosen...

it's just dependent on myself. i know.

receiving newsletters from HKFCA. there's an article abt Wilson Yip. he's a bit diff. from my imagination. whether i am able to choose the subject matter or not, i'll get familiar with his films.

i luv small production.

talking to my lovely sis. thankfully when im lost, she always guide my new way no matter how stubborn im. we hv the same feeling to this current issue. yes, we will be at Victoria Park on the coming first of July.

its my vision deserving, not my self-indulgent behaviour.

i think i'll accept the possible punishment becoz it seems a remarkable moment for me to awake.

tomorrow will be seeing "ma vie en rose". hope it'll be a nice film.

:: posted by my lock, 4:28 AM