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* 20050615031632

>>>Wednesday, June 15, 2005

today is "2005/06/15"

try to remember what i promised in a previous year. the yearning of seeing you never fades. you are the only only only one. just still cannot fulfill what i have pledged before. have received the result yet. studied 4 subjects and got 1A, 2B+, 1B- ... unbelievable! if i could perform consistently like this before, i would never have fallen into my gpa-trap. okay, with deux not-very-well-awards and okay sem gpa, would i become "healthier" now and then??? sorry. still far away to go. everlasting struggling... (deep in my heart, i wanna approach you and look into your eyes instantly. but please, i couldn't. i am a terrible one ...) reading entertainment news then noticed sammi cheng's situation, hope she would get well soon. i realize if you have got mental problem, it is most important for your own to fight against the ordeal ... duuno what kind of bull shit i am talking about. my terrible life. my terrible english ... flow. you know. only writing chinese could make me realize who i am.

today is "2005/06/15". if i could say, how much i miss you ......

:: posted by my lock, 4:33 PM