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* 葡萄成熟時.coincidence.happy or not?

>>>Wednesday, June 08, 2005


rufus wainwright's "cigarettes and chocolate milk" VS 陳奕迅<不良嗜好>?
楊千嬅<還未夠快> VS daft punk?
楊千嬅<私奔> vs Rialto?


3.happy or not?
"Imagine if you're living in the perfect world and you get the champion. But would you stop whining? Probably not!
So just accept the reality as it is and enjoy the moment!
More good things will come to you if you know how to appreciate them."

thanks to hum's dr. lo.
talking to him is one of the most treasurable moment in the 4th year.

papa, there's one item of good news and bad news as well.
would you like hearing from me soon?
would you be my side to share that pride with me?
you know, the poem is inspired by you.

i should admit i'm a genius of making mistakes.
i am not that perfect sort of girl.

talking to my mummy after lunch, feeling so good that she has tried to express more about her past. one of few touching moment these days.

friday, i'll see them both. but my mood has changed.
a bow to my lyrical life.

:: posted by my lock, 4:47 PM