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* Birth of Fire/Hon Chi-fun

>>>Friday, May 20, 2005

"I decided to totally unveil my feelings, and was determined to note down in a long triptych all that had happened in the past - episodes that were of yesteryears. The reds, the greens, supporting and contrasting each other, repeatedly imprinting and reflecting upon each other - so dazzling, like daydreaming, like murmuring - I had never been so frank and truthful. All details in the painting were crystallized in silk screen - poems, images, brushstrokes, works in the past, un-sent letters - colours over colours, planes over planes, the triptych was like a journey through purgatory - it was a rebirth, it was a Bath of Fire, where I witnessed the rainbow that was seldom seen in Nirvana."


:: posted by my lock, 7:24 AM