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* the blower's daughter/DAMIEN RICE

>>>Wednesday, February 23, 2005

and so it is
just like you said it would be
life goes easy on me
most of the time

and so it is
the shorter story
no love no glory
no hero in her skies

i can't take my eyes off of you/

and so it is
just like you said it should be
we'll both forget the breeze
most of the time

and so it is
the colder water
the blower's daughter
the pupil in denial

i can't take my eyes off of you/

did I say that i loathe you?
did I say that I want to
leave it all behind?/

i can't take my mind off of you
my mind
'til I find somebody new.

the blower's daughter/damien rice


:: posted by my lock, 11:24 AM