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* contemplation

>>>Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"The main point of my cinema is to pursue the truth, and there is nothing more truthful than when a person is being alone. When a person is alone, he doesn't need to perform for anyone anymore. He simply does what he wants and be his real self," Tsai explains. "I, for example, enjoy myself the best when I am peeing. That's the moment when I am totally alone and do not need to pretend anything for anyone."


After this laugh-out-loud tidbit, Tsai went on to explain his filmmaking philosophy. "I always feature characters who are sadly without love and lonely because that's human beings at their most real," Tsai says. "People have asked me why all the sex scenes in my movies are so sad and awkward. I tell them that because these two people are having sex without love. They don't even know or care about each other enough, and of course their sex is awkward."


"For me, solitude and sex are the moments when people are being their REAL SELF; there is NOTHING MORE REAL THAN SOLITUDE AND SEX as far as cinematic devices," says Tsai. "My ultimate goal is to pursue the truth of human relation. Sometimes, even my actors ask me 'director Tsai, do we really have to go to this extreme in our movie?' My answer is yes. That's my method of pursuing the truth."

excerpt taken from here






昨天我坐在圖書館裡,跟 kim 說,你是愛我的脆弱吧,你是愛我在昇降機裡哀傷難過的神情吧。只是兩年後的今日,我在其他人面前顯得那麼意氣風發,閃爍無可救藥不可一世的驕傲。但表象的一切,就是骨子裡的那個我嗎?你讀我的日誌我的想法,你幾曾相看接觸的那個我,是否在紀錄著瑣碎感受的這個我?好像此刻才意識到,原來我的確很脆弱,只是未必是你想像中那一種脆弱。







:: posted by my lock, 12:02 PM