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* easter is gone

>>>Monday, March 28, 2005

visiting her there makes me realize what a hard life is leading. while i was waiting outside, i heard a joke telling by the elder, reminding me a song by eels.
"life is funny / but not ha ha funny / peculiar i guess"

quoted from a song, 3 speed./

his sweetness to her reminded me of what love actually is. but i should also admit that this kind of love is confined to certain people. is that really important that someone offers me a cake and kisses me in this way? to a certain extent, showing is far more important than telling. yet i am mentally disturbed by the one who resists showing intimacy directly./

keep dreaming at night that i do not want to wake up consciously. i was caressed like a baby daughter. next moment, i was in love with an exceptional old man. Seemingly, he was dying anyway./

she loves the place which is revealed to her exclusively./

"can you wait for me?" "i am waiting. i am waiting..."

:: posted by my lock, 7:24 AM